Friday, October 25, 2013

How To Change The Paint On Your Kitchen Walls?

There is color all around us, in every room of the house, and the kitchen is no exception. In my kitchen, I can find color all around me when I am cooking, such as, sauces,spices, and foodstuffs. By having such a lively foreground, the paint colors that I pick for walls, cabinetry, and the many other background surfaces that I have in my kitchen becomes alot more important. I would like to start off with yellow, because my kitchen is painted a pretty yellow color, because this gives the room a fresh and calming start. So, with that it is good because I spend alot of my time in our kitchen. I think that the kitchen is a room that most people spend alot of their time in with cooking, eating, and cleaning up after each meal. Honeycomb is a color that looks real good painting on a large surface especially with a kitchen that gets alot of natural light, it gives the kitchen a healthy glow. Golden amber is a great accent color that will be great eye-catching color for trim elements. Spun gold is good for the cupboards or backsplashes for a welcoming room. Buttercream is another great color for large areas in my kitchen. Gray, blue, and white colors are good for any pure and simple room. To me, gray is a great easy-to-get-along with color. Dove gray is a good neutral color. It can make a room painted in it to seem to be bigger than it is . Stone gray is a great color to used to set off backsplashes in paler shades. Cloud blue is a very relaxing color and it will be good painted on the walls or cupboards Egg white is a good color to paint the trims and accents in the kitchen. The yellow-green colors can be used to bring the spark back into a kitchen that has gone stale. Key lime pie is a color that is the color of a lime and the color of a stalk of celery combined and it looks good on a wall or on glass tiles on a backsplash.Young lettuce leaf is another great color for a kitchen especially if the kitchen needs to be refreshed with paint. Grass green paint is one used for special attention to any element in a kitchen. Avocado green is a great color to See along with pairing up with dark green or brown. Bold strokes of paint consist of several different colors. Cocoa brown is a great choice of paint for different areas of the kitchen, such floors, and accents. Browns brings in an earthiness which is easy to have in a kitchen because it is easy to live with. Another color is pewter gray, it is a good shade that blends real good with most other colors. It is a good color for the kitchen's cabinets if they are white now and want a change. Lipstick red is a warm, pretty and relatable color that goes real well with lighter neutrals. When white is to much creamy tan will be more warm and welcoming. Ocean blue is one that definite would be great in the kitchen, whether it is a color for countertops or walls. Savory spice consists of glowing spice shades with highlight natural wood,s warm undertones. Toasty brown will remind everybody of a good cup of cappuccino and it goes well on trim, cabinets, or walls. Spiced pumpkin with it will be neutral enough to be used on medium-sized surfaces. Kitchens that have broken wall space, this paint can be a good choice to use in the broken wall spaces that are in the kitchen. Sun-baked orange is a clean color that mixes the red and the yellow together to make it, to beautifully complements a room,s wood tones. Sunbeam yellow is a great color of paint for a kitchen that doesn't receive a lot of light. So there are so many different color schemes that I can use and you can use to change up your kitchens. ttp://">

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